It has been close to a month ever since I was onboard the new social network formulated by Google – Google Plus. As related from my previous blog review, it is very promising to be used as a mainstream social networking platform among friends and associates. However, as a current active user of Facebook & Twitter, it would be a nightmare to update postings manually across these 3 platforms if I have decided to use Google Plus as my key platform for all my new status updates.
I have last explored using posting via my own personalised Facebook mobile email but it was not very fantastic (message was truncated when posting was done via Android Google Plus app).
Finally there is a new hope through a service by Agent G. Basically, all Google Plus posts are submitted to Agent G (as a friend) and the posts will be redirected to Facebook and Twitter through oauth API calls. As such there is some initial one time setup:
A) Link Google Plus to Facebook & Twitter service
Login into your Google Plus. Using a separate tab on same browser to visit and login using your Facebook and Twitter account. You are required to do it for one and only time.
B) Locate Agent G and add into your friend’s list into a new circle
C) Link your Google Plus + account to Agent G
Create 2 separate post (one for Facebook and the other for Twitter) and send specifically to Agent G
D) Verify all 3 connections via Agent G service
All set, you are done and ready to post your very first post in Google Plus and select Agent G as one of the designated person. Do not select the group which contain Agent G, it will not work.
That said, you will need to be aware of some limitations present at this moment:
– Sync posting can only be done by selecting Agent G as a person and not as a designated circle
– Twitter can only accept posting of max 140 characters. If it exceeds this threshold, Agent G will not transmit to Twitter
– Photos & Check-In posting does not work
Nevertheless, this is still the only working method to have synchronous posting across all three platforms.
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