My family just started our regular body detox Whole30 programme which emphasises real food and processed from non-processed ingredients. With Thermomix TM5, we finally discovered the key kitchen gadget which our kitchen really longed for! Essentially, the Thermomix TM5 is a multi-function kitchen appliance that also cooks and stirs your food at adjustable yet precise temperatures and speeds. It…
Tag: Gadget review

Have a sip of coffee and let Winbot 950 settle the window cleaning chore for you! | IT Gadget Review
Designed and produced by Ecovacs, the WinBot 950 promises to automate the tedious and sometimes dangerous task of window washing. The Winbot 950 works by affixing itself to a pane of glass, using an inbuilt fan for suction, like a vacuum, and moving itself around with a pair of rubber tank treads. Surrounding the fan and treads is a…

Gaming on the go with Nintendo Switch! No more clunky consoles too | IT Gadgets Review
Nintendo’s Switch is the latest device release by Nintendo adding to the other product lines e.g. Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Nintendo Switch game console goes on sale worldwide on 3rd March 2017 to compete with other mainstream competitors’ console such as Sony’s top-selling PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One S. Riding on the big brand win after Pokemon Go’s…

EZLink launched one of the first EZlink based fitness tracker – now you can run and commute without a wallet! | IT Gadgets Review
In this modern day, wearables have already starting to be part of our daily lives, helping us to be more active and healthy. Singapore EZlink saw this trend and partnered with Watchdata to develop a customized version of EZlink Fitness tracker. Modeled as Sharkey B1, this EZLink Fitness tracker looks like any wrist based band tracker. The retail set…

Pokemon Go Plus – smart wearables for the popular Pokemon Go app? | IT Gadgets Review
With the recent hype of the Pokemon Go App, Nintendo further capitalised the massive player base with the release of Pokemon Go Plus. The Pokemon GO Plus is essentially a small Bluetooth based device that lets you enjoy the game while you’re on the move and not looking at your smartphone. The device connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth low energy…

Flying a drone made easy and affordable with the all new Phantom 3 Advanced | IT Gadgets Review
Finally, I have got my hands on one cool drone – Phantom 3 Advanced developed by DJI. Drones are typically referred interchangeably with UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles). They are aircrafts which can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through in-built software-controlled flight plans assisted by GPS. Drones are becoming more popular as their prices become more competitive for the masses –…

Traditional exercising revitalised with Tangram Smart Rope | Fitness Gadgets Review
At initial look, the Tangram Smart Rope is just like any other Jumping Rope; a piece of rope that weighs next to nothing yet can make you drenched like after a 10km run. It is perhaps one of the best, easiest and most accessible aerobic exercises. The company behind the Smart Rope, Tangram, was one of Samsung’s vendors in designing…

Apple silently updates iPad Mini but is the iPad Mini 4 worth a closer look? | IT Gadgets Review
In the recent Apple Special Event held on 9th September 2015, Apple has announced a while slew of updates to her product lines – iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPad Pro and new Apple TV. But not much has been shared on the updates to iPad Mini and I think the new iPad Mini 4 is worth every mention, perhaps…

New Nespresso Pixie Lungo Fortissio cups – Insulated for good Coffee savouring | Singapore Review
Over the last weekend, I chanced upon the new Nespresso Pixie Lungo Fortissio cups while replinishing my monthly stocks of Nespresso Coffee capsules. A full package comes with x2 New Pixie Double Walled Nespresso Lungo (Lungo Vivalto Blue Colour for me) Cups and x2 New Nespresso Spoons. The Pixie Collection cups are made in 16 different colors for expresso too…

AquaPac iPhone, iPad case bag – waterproof in water | Gadget review | IT Accessories
Beach games and water sports are fun but its quite a handicap without the phone and especially iPhone which you can send/receive phone calls, messages, IMs and location updates etc. Thus, I last bought a cool stuff from Aquapac – wateproof iPhone sleeve to bring the iPhone 4 into water. Aquapac’s 100% Waterproof Cases offer guaranteed submersibility to 15 foot/5…