Find and Savour nice Durians now in Singapore Durian Season | Food Review

During the mid of every year, one will not miss the unique fragrance along the street of fruit hawker stalls. Named the ‘King Of Fruits’ – Durians, often loved by many local Singaporeans, but often loath by many foreigners.

We have just managed to get some durians to try them out. Though they all looked the same – the thorny shell with pungent aroma, the various species do have their unique taste and texture. Lets take a look at some of the common ones here:

1) Small Seed

Small Seed Durian - Outer fruit view - top

Small Seed Durian - Outer fruit view - bottom



Small Seed Durian - Inside fruit - Meat

Price : ~S$8-10/kg
Taste : Slight bitter, Not too sweet,
Texture : Slight creamy, Yellow Flesh, Thick skin, Small seeds
Aroma : Light


2) Red Meat / Red Prawn

Red Seed Durian - Outer fruit view - top

Red Meat Durian - Outer fruit view - bottom


Red Meat Durian - Inside fruit - Meat

Price : ~S$7/kg
Taste : Bitter sweet
Texture : Rich yellow meat with tinge of red, Creamy, Big seeds
Aroma : Light

3) Jin Feng / Golden Phoenix 

Golden Phoenix Durian - Outer fruit view - top

Golden Phoenix Durian - Outer fruit view - bottom

One easy way to identify this is to look out for the converging thorns at the bottom of the durian.

Golden Phoenix Durian - Inside fruit view - Meat

Price : ~S$14-16/kg
Taste : Bitter sweet
Texture : Pale yellow meat, Creamy, Mid sized seeds
Aroma : Strong & rich after taste

4) Mao Shan Wang / Mushang King 

Maoshang Wang Durian - Outer fruit view - top


Maoshang Wang Durian - Outer fruit view - top 2

This durian is characterised by the crown around the stem and grooves running from the top to the bottom.

Maoshang Wang Durian - Inside fruit view - Meat

Price : ~S$11-14/kg
Taste : Bitte sweet
Texture : Rich yellow meat, Thick & Creamy, Shiny skin, Mid sized seeds
Aroma : Strong and rich after taste

Among these 4 types of Durian, we all preferred Jin Feng. Has the taste close to Mau Shan Wang but not too jelak (too rich to consume too much).

Seeds of various durians

Can you identify the seeds for these 4 types of durian?

Top L : Small Seed Durian
Top R : Red Meat Durian
Bottom L : Jin Feng Durian
Bottom R : Mao Shan Durian

Some interesting facts you may not know about Durians :

Nutrition values for Durian

  • Durian is rich in nutrients – potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.
  • Durians have zero cholesterol.
  • Durians can help to reduce fatigue and relieve mental stress and anxiety.
  • Durian, being a good source of folate, helps in producing normal red blood cells (RBC).
  • Durian enhances libido, thereby revitalizing the desire for sexual intimacy.

Before the season ends, you should go grab some to savour!

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