Xiaomi’s Mi Smart Plug (小米智能插座) was launched in Oct 2014 with the aim of truly controlling the devices at home without worrying that those devices cannot be made available in the internet. Through this Mi Smart Plug, any electrical appliance can be connected and one can easily switch the appliance ON or OFF based on his rulesets. Moreover, the price of one Mi Smart Plug is unbelievable at RMB 59 (or S$14 / USD 10) which is so much affordable than a regular Belkin Wemo Switch (USD 50).
Mi Smart Plug uses the 88MC200 a highly integrated micro controller and the Avatar® 88W8801 Wi-Fi SoC from Marvell. The package of Mi Smart Plug is small and simple. Apart from the socket, there is one simple user manual in the box.
The Mi Smart Plug is akin to any household power socket adapter. The indicator light shows its connection status to Mi Router and switch status as well. There is a 5V 1A USB port on top of it, which allows compatible electronic device to directly connect it for charging. In addition, the power button can be used to reset its WiFi connection by holding press it and hold for 5 seconds.
Installation is via the Mi Smart Home app involving a few basic steps in the binding process. Thereafter, it can be used normally. use it normally.
Yellow light : Before any pairing
Blue Light – After pairing and successful connection to the home network :
The firmware can also be downloaded (OTA) and patched via the phone app:
The 220V socket and USB port can be used independently, with timed function as welll (ON or OFF). That should be sufficient for most daily usage.
Connection and control are quite convenient and stable with no major failure or breakdown. However, one must take note that each Mi Smart Plug only support up to 1A of electrical current. Thus, it willl not be able to be used for big heating element electrical appliances e.g. Fridge, Electric Iron, Washer machines etc.
Nevertheless, it is still one good step towards a smarter home!
For more information, do head over to Xiaomi Official Website.
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