Singapore Sports Council was renamed as Sports Singapore and one of its latest initiative is the launch of ActiveSG on 26th April 2014.
ActiveSG will offer a comprehensive range of studio programmes for all fitness levels. Not just for individuals, there will also be programmes for children and families that want to exercise.
As part of encouraging Singaporean & PR to participate in this initiative, Sports Singapore is giving one time eCredits of S$100 for each new account signed up in ActiveSG programme. One can register at any of the Sports Singapore centre locations or via the ActiveSG mobile app.
Designed for smartphone users, the ActiveSG app allows you to book sport facilities, register for fitness classes, make reservations and purchases conveniently on the go. It also allow one to get real time access to sport facilities and fitness programmes available at the various ActiveSG Sport Centres located throughout Singapore.
Download ActiveSG for Android
Download ActiveSG for iOS
A) Register as a new user easily via ActiveSG mobile app:
B) Buy pass or Book a facility & pay using credit card or eCredits
C) For first time user, upon successful verification, S$100 will be credited to the ActiveSG eWallet. This can be used to offset any payment via ActiveSG portal / mobile app:
D) With the QR code for the purchased pass, it can be used at the new electronic gantry for the desired access.
So hurry, go grab your new membership & get the free S$100 credits now!
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