29th March 2015 marks a very important day – a solemn moment for all Singaporean to bid their final farewell to our Founding Father of Singapore.
In my eyes, I can see a Great man who
. Spends his whole life fighting for his ideals & philosophy to build a 1st world country & a better life for all Singaporeans. Not as a popularist but what really needs to be done.
. Cares for his family members – always there to guide & provide support
. Devotes his love for his lifelong wife & trusted companion, always there to engaged with her
. Believes that only a healthy body & mind, can one makes good decisions & have the physical ability complete the desired tasks
. Delivers all the promises
. is Resilient & Resolute, regardless of any obstacles & uncertainties, big or small
He has led a fruitful complete life and even in this last journey he has further united the nation during these days of nation mourning.
(State Funeral at Parliament House)
Even without him, I am sure all Singaporeans will stay united as One People, One Nation & One Singapore to uphold his ideals and work towards a stronger Singapore.
(Singapore in 1960s)
(Singapore in 2015)
For the rest who wish to know him, just look around in Singapore.
(1. Affordable housing for all Singaporean, so that all Singaporean has a stake for him to defend this country)
(2. Strong education framework – to make sure all Singaporean has equal opportunity to have good learning from young & continuous upgrading for working professionals)
(3. Promoting Free Trade to boost the country economy & providing better jobs for all Singaporean)
(4. National Service – to build a formidable yet sustainable force to ensure the stability and safety for the nation)
Goodbye Mr Lee, you will always be in our hearts and be remembered for generations to come.
~ AS (29th March 2015)
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