Finally, after weeks of wait from X’Mas when DevTeam released the beta version, most of the bugs have been resolved including the bluetooth related ones. However, there are a few steps which you need to take note when you are going to Jailbreak your iPhone4 or iPad:
1) Backup your device (iPhone 4 or iPad)
2) Restore & Update to the latest iOS firmware 4.2.1. When you are upgrading, you may face a commonly known issue (error 1013). Refer to this guide :…
3) Download the latest iOS firmware 4.2.1 firmware file
4) Download the iOS firmware 4.2b3 firmware (only for iOS developer account, pls do not support piracy). Refer to this guide :…
5) Download the latest Redsn0w patch and follow the instructions mentioned in
6) Secure your new JailBroken device –
Happy testing & do sound out any issues!

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