All eyes are on Fed’s next move and whether there is further QE3. Already as it stands, the interest rates are low till 2013 and reported profits for most listed companies are racking in above and inline with analysts’ estimates. Looking closer into the macroeconomics trends (depicted below), the slowdown is still persistent but personally it does not truly warrant…
Tag: US Debt Ceiling

S&P downgrades US from AAA to AA ratings – poor US credit rating with worsening budget deficits | Fundamental Analysis | US
The world ended the week with a tailspin from S&P downgrade of the triple-A (AAA) rating the US has held for 70 years, saying the budget deal recently brokered in Washington didn’t do enough to address the gloomy long-term picture for America’s finances Standard & Poor’s slammed the nation’s political process and criticizing lawmakers for failing to cut spending enough…

House of Republicans and Senate approved raise of US Debt Ceiling but market waivers with risk of US rating cuts | Fundamental Analysis | US Stock Market
Last night (2nd Aug 2011), the Senate finally approved a proposal (74 to 26 votes) that increases the $14.3 trillion debt limit by up to $2.4 trillion in two stages, and by the Congressional Budget Officeís tally, reduces deficits by $2.1 trillion over a decade. Yet even with the cuts, the United States is projected to increase the national debt by…

US Debt Ceiling saga clouded upside potential of markets | Gold & USD Index Technical Analysis | US Stock Markets
Around the world, across different markets, investors have reacted in great anxiety anxiety especially to the ongoing gridlock between the White House and Republican lawmakers over a path toward raising the government’s debt limit and avoiding a potential default. A deal on the debt limit is needed for the government to avoid running out of funds to pay its bills…